BuddyPress Integration

AWPCP now supports full integration with BuddyPress (as of version 3.2.3) with the BuddyPress integration module. Your users will see all classified activity in their BuddyPress stream and have the ability to fully manage their ads from the front end under their BuddyPress profile.

Getting Started

The first step is to install the BuddyPress Module from AWPCP on your site. On your WP admin dashboard, click Plugins->Add New. At the top, click Upload and then find the downloaded ZIP file for the module on your local computer. Click OK to start the upload. Activate the plugin when you’re done to complete the process.

The second step is to make sure that you have BuddyPress installed. You can download the BuddyPress plugin  and install it on your site if you haven't already.

The settings you will need for integration with AWPCP are in WordPress under Settings > BuddyPress. The first thing to make sure is in place is that AWPCP listings have been added to BuddyPress profiles here:


Once you have done that, you may need to create pages  for Members, Activity Streams, User Groups and Listings. You can also set up a registration page (using a page that links to www.yoursite.com/wp-admin is fine) and an activation page in the BuddyPress settings.


Once your pages are created and AWPCP is active in BuddyPress, you can enjoy the following list of features included with the BuddyPress Listings module from AWPCP:

  1. There will be a Listings tab in the profile page of each user.The tab includes a counter that shows the number of listings available from the user whose profile is being shown. If the user viewing the website is an administrator or the owner of the profile page being displayed, the counter will show the the number of all (enabled and disabled) listings. If the user is a regular user or not logged in, the counter will show the number of enabled listings.john<em>doe<strong></em>activity<em>streams</em></strong>awpcp<em>test</em>blog
  2. When the Listings tab is active, three sub-tabs will appear: AllEnabled and Disabled. Each one of the sub-tabs works as a filter that will show all, enabled or disabled listings, respectively. This is the administrator’s or profile owner version:john<em>doe<strong></em>listings<em></strong>awpcp</em>test_blog
  3. Other user’s view:john<em>doe<strong></em>listings<em></strong>awpcp</em>test_blog
  4. When the Listings tab is active, the profile page will show a list of all the Listings posted by the owner of the profile.
  5. Each listing in the list will have buttons to View, Edit or Delete the listing (shown in the previous screenshot).
  6. The View button will send the user to a new page where the listing will be shown. The appearance of the listing will be the same used in the standard Show Ad page.
  7. The Edit button will send the user to a new page where the listing can be edited. The workflow for this page is the same as in the Edit Ad page, but without the email address/access key authentication.
  8. The Delete button will trigger ajax actions to delete the listing. The user will be asked to confirm the action. If the operation is successful, the listing will be dynamically removed from the list.john<em>doe<strong></em>listings<em></strong>awpcp</em>test_blog
  9. At the top of the list there will be a Create button that will allow the users to create new listings. The create listing workflow would be the same as in the Place Ad page. User’s will be asked for payment, if payments terms are configured.
  10. There will be a WordPress page that will show all listings on the site (You may need to create this page in WordPress if it wasn't automatically created when you installed BuddyPress). That page will show a list of all Listings in the system, similar to the way the Activity page shows sitewide activities.
  11. Administrators can choose the page that is going to be used to show the sitewide listings, from the BuddyPress settings page in WordPress under Settings > BuddyPress:
  12. When a user edits, deletes or create a new listing, an entry will be added to the Activity Stream.screencapture-awpcp-local-activity


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