By now you've probably heard of the big-name classified sites like Craigslist. But just because giants like this exist, doesn’t mean you can’t build a new classified ads site of your own! There are plenty of opportunities out there. Maybe you want to build a niche classifieds site? Maybe something to serve your local audience?…
AWPCP is Now Part of the Strategy11 Family
Today, I have some big news I'm excited to share. Another WordPress Classified Plugin (AWPCP) and Business Directory Plugin are joining the Strategy11 family. Over the past 10 years, Dave Rodenbaugh has built up a great team, product, and community. But now he's ready to move on to other projects like Recapture. I have known…
The Best Free Classified Ad Software for WordPress
Simply the Best Free Classified Ad Software Available AWP Classifieds Plugin (AWPCP) is the #1 Wordpress plugin solution for putting classifieds on your site, fast and easy. Other solutions exist, but they're harder, more expensive, messy, or downright scammy. AWP Classifieds is: No other Wordpress plugin comes close to AWP's features, support, or ability to…