There are two main ways to create SEO pages in AWPCP -- Yoast and SEO settings in the plugin.
Using Yoast
AWPCP's integration with Yoast WordPress SEO plugin offers the following features:
Window Title in Show Ad page
If Yoast WordPres SEO is installed and activated, AWPCP will append (or prepend, depending on the title separator location) the title of the listing to the title that WordPress SEO already generated. If you are viewing, for example, a listing "Log Cabin" posted in Miscellaneous category, the window title could be:
Log Cabin - Miscellaneous - Show Ad - My Blog
The "Show Ad - My Blog" part is generated by WordPress SEO and can be configured from admin dashboard, going to the edit screen for the Show Ad page. Since the Show Ad page is a regular WordPress page, you can use WordPress SEO features available for pages and posts. Take into account, however, that AWPCP will rewrite the title, canonical URL and OpenGraph meta tag's values.
Using the example above, the "Log Cabin - Miscellaneous" part is generated by AWPCP and can be configured in several ways by:
- Editing the title of the listing in Dashboard > Classifieds > Listings.
- Editing the name of the category in Dashboard > Classifieds > Categories.
- Modifying the information that should be included in the listing's title by going to Classified Admin > Settings > Classifieds > SEO in the Window Title section
Open Graph meta tags
In the Show Ad page, when showing a listing, AWPCP will use the listing's information stored in the database to overwrite the value of the following Open Graph meta tags:
type (will be set to article)
Using SEO settings in AWPCP
AWPCP helps you get SEO friendly URLs in the plugin settings under Classified Admin > Settings > Classifieds > SEO in AWPCP admin.
Check the box "Use Search Engine Friendly URLs". That will start you on the right path.
Pro tip: You should be using a non-default permalink structure in WordPress under Settings > Permalinks. We suggest /%category%/%postname%/ but anything will do as long as it's not default.