Settings: General

The General tab handles a number of important configuration items for AWPCP. The tab is broken down into several subsections for easier reading.

Here are some screenshots and explanations of the settings:

The General section handles these important functions:

  • Turn on Translation File: This is required if you want to use AWPCP’s PO file (language string externalization file). This tells WordPress to look for AWPCP_<language>.po in the another-wordpress-classifieds-plugin directory.
  • Show listings on main page: If you check this box, the “main page” (the one labeled “AWPCP” by default, the parent of all other pages for AWPCP) will show ads instead of categories. Uncheck if you wish to show categories instead (default).
  • Category columns on view page: Sets the number of columns of categories you want to display on your main classifieds page. Valid values are 1-5, default is 2.
  • Welcome message: This is the message displayed at the top of the main classifieds page. If you are translating AWPCP into your language, be sure to change this value as well.
  • Role of admin users: AWPCP allows you to set who can see the admin panel for AWPCP. By default it’s set to “admin”, but you can enable it for editors as well.
  • Enable Page Filter: This hides all AWPCP-created pages from the front end from your menu. Most of the time you probably want to hide only some of the pages (e.g. Payment Thanks, Payment Cancel, Renew Ad, Edit Ad) as these pages are used only in certain circumstances. This is best done through your theme and page exclusion filters.
  • Show AWPCP latest news: This enables the RSS feed from so you can stay abreast of updates from us. Good to keep it on to know when an update is released.

Terms of Service:

  • Display and Require ToS: Checking this will force users to see and accept a Terms of Service from you on the Place Ad form. If you disable this, no terms will be shown.
  • Terms of Service (textbox): This can be used two ways. 1) You can put in any text you like here regarding your restrictions for posting classifieds. OR 2) You can put in an URL here to an existing page (starting with http) and it will automatically create a link to that page instead of the text box.

Anti-SPAM: These are settings relating to Akismet integration

  • Use Akismet: If you turn this on, you must have Akismet installed. If you don’t, an error will occur. (Recommended to turn ON to reduce spam)
  • Enable math captcha: Puts a simple math problem at the bottom of the Place ad page to foil robots from posting ads
  • Max number used in Math captcha: For the addition problem (X + Y), this setting is the maximum value used for either X or Y during generation. Default is 10 (meaning X and Y will each be smaller than 10).

Window Title: These settings handle the display of the <title> tag for AWPCP pages.

  • Title separator: What to use in between items, such as dash, slash or pipe. Default is dash (-)
  • Show “X” in title? Checking this will allow for X to show in the title. By default, all items are available to the title: city, state, country, county (if used), and category.

Widget: AWPCP uses various widgets (Search, Latest Ads, and if you have it installed, Featured Ads) to display information. Some themes use different wrapper tags for their widgets than others. This allows you to change those wrappers to match your theme.

SEO Settings: If you want to use URLs of the form /something/like/this instead of /something?like=this, which Google prefers, then you need to check this option AND set a non-default permalink option (we suggest /%category%/%postname%/, but anything that isn’t one of the defaults will do nicely)

User Ad Management Panel: Checking this option will turn on the Ad Management panel for all WP profiles on your site. That means a registered user can see and manage all of their posted ads in a single place. Turning this option on automatically turns on “Require Registration” as you must have registered users to take advantage of this setting.

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