Extra Fields

Extra Fields adds the ability to customize your ad form–by adding any kind of field you wish.

Install as follows:

On your WP admin dashboard, click Plugins->Add New. At the top, click Upload and then find the downloaded ZIP file for the module on your local computer. Click OK to start the upload. Activate the plugin when you’re done to complete the process.

Extra Fields supports individual field codes to use in the HTML template. See the supported field codes.

Module Description

To access the module, go to Classified Admin > Extra Fields. There you will be able to:

  1. You can add a limited number of fields. (The limit is imposed by MySQL, more info here)
  2. You can use a number of different controls for input on fields:
    • Input text box
    • Input text area
    • Drop Down List (with a set of exclusive values)
    • Checkbox (with a set of values)
    • Radio Button (with a set of exclusive value)
  3. Fields can be validated
    • Field must have data
    • Field must have valid URL
    • Field must have valid email address
    • Field must be an integer number
    • Field must be a decimal number
  4. Fields can be configured to display on any of these pages: the Show Ad, Place Ad, Edit Ad and Search Ads forms.
  5. Fields automatically appear on the Search Form.  If a field defines a set of values (like a list of car models, or colors), the list will be pre-populated with all valid values for the field in the search form.
  6. Fields can be public (visible to everyone) or private (visible to admin, but added by original poster)
  7. Fields can be hidden on some forms, shown on others (e.g. Show in Ad Detail, Hide on Search and Listing, Show on Search, Detail and Listing, etc)
  8. Fields can be assigned to categories, so you can have different data showing in different categories making each ad more relevant.

Detailed Set Up Instructions

To add a new field, click the Add New Field button. Once there, you will need to fill out the information for that field.

Step 1: Give the field an internal name. This will not be shown to users, but it is one that you might use later.

Step 2: Add the text that tells the users what they need to enter or select in the submit ad form.

Step 3: This is the label of the field, which is displayed on the View Ad page after the ad has been submitted.

Step 4: Choose the type of field this will be.

Step 5: Choose the type of data that is expected to be entered in this field. Short text = under 300 characters; Long text = 301 characters +

Step 6: If you chose a Select List, Multiple Select List, Radio Button or Checkbox in Step 4, this is where you define the options that the end user will choose.

Step 7: Choose if you'd like the plugin to validate the user entry against a standard. You can choose an email address format, URL format, currency, missing value, numeric with decimal and numeric without decimal.

Step 8: Choose if this field should be required.

Step 9: Choose whether this field should be public or private.


Step 10: Choose whether this field applies to a specific category or categories, or if it should be applied to all categories.

Step 11: Show this field on Single Ad Display or Ad Listing Display

Step 12: Choose whether to show the field on the search form

Step 13: Choose whether this field should be searched for keywords or phrases

Step 14: Designate whether this field includes personal data



Extra Fields is administered from the Extra Fields menu under Classified Admin > Settings > Modules tab > Extra Fields, where you can change the settings for showing empty fields in ads, the number of columns of extra fields to show, and whether to allow HTML in Extra Fields Labels.



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