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Classified Ads: All Classifieds

All Classifieds is one of two ways that you can manage ads for AWPCP. The other way is through the Ad Management Panel, which is visible to users but only displays the ads for that particular user.

All Classifieds is a panel that is only visible to the Administrators of your site. It is always active and provides a view of all ads that are present on your site, allowing you to manage them with the following operations:

  • Add New Listings
  • Edit Ads
  • Flag Ads
  • Mark Ads as Spam
  • Delete Ads
  • Approve/Unapprove Ads
  • Manage Images
  • Search for ads by ID, keyword, title or location

Classified Ads shows the title of the ad, along with a series of links for the various operations, the start date (when the ad was posted) and the end date (when it’s set to expire). One link indicates the state of the ad: If you see “Disable”, that means the ad is active and visible to your users. If you see “Approve” that means the ad was posted but is awaiting your approval before displaying to the public.

To view an ad, just click on the View link. This will load the ad just like you would see it on the website, in a modified admin form for viewing.

To edit an existing ad, find the title of the ad you wish to edit and click on the Edit link. When you are done editing, click on “Update” which will save the information.

If you want to change or update the images, while inside the listing, scroll to the bottom of the page and choose the Images tab:

IMPORTANT: Most WordPress installations have a default image size limit of 2MB on many web hosting services. If you attempt to upload a file greater than this size, you may encounter errors. These are not the result of a bug in AWPCP, but rather, the limit imposed by WordPress media uploader. You can change this in your WordPress installation manually. Refer to this WordPress forum link for more details.

To remove your ad from the system, simply click on the Delete link. You will be asked to confirm whether you wish to delete the ad or not.

There are several bulk operations you can perform with ads:

To do any of these, check all of the ads you wish to work with using the checkboxes on the left (or use the checkbox at the very top to select/deselect ALL of the ads on the page), and the click the button you wish, then select Apply.

To handle Flagged Ads, you must click the Flagged Ads link at the top of the Listings, just to the left of the search text box.

This will filter out all but the flagged ads on your site. When an ad is flagged, it is still visible to the public, but marked for your convenience so you can review it. This prevents abuse by others who may aggressively flag ads they simply don’t like or that represent competitors, allowing you to make the choice whether to keep the ad or remove the ad. You can unflag an ad by clicking the button shown above in step 2.

Listings also allows you to display ads in paged fashion so you can walk through large amounts of ads quickly. By default, the number of ads displayed per page is 10. But you can increase this up to 100 by 10s (10, 20, 30, etc). This helps you mark large blocks of spam ads quickly if you run into a spammer that is bugging your site.


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