Page Shortcodes
The following shortcodes take no parameters.
AWPCPCLASSIFIEDSUI: Shows Classifieds main page.
AWPCPSHOWAD: Shows Show Ad page.
AWPCPPLACEAD: Shows Place Ad page.
AWPCPEDITAD: Shows Edit Ad page.
AWPCP-RENEW-AD: Shows Renew Ad page.
AWPCPSEARCHADS: Shows Search Ads page.
AWPCPREPLYTOAD: Shows Reply to Ad page.
AWPCPBROWSEADS: Shows Browse Ads page.
AWPCPBROWSECATS: Shows Browse Categories page.
AWPCPBUYCREDITS: Shows Buy Credits page.
AWPCP-BUY-SUBSCRIPTION: Shows Buy Subscription page. The shortcode requires the Subscriptions premium module to be installed and activated.
Other Shortcodes
AWPCPLATESTLISTINGS: Shows latest listings. It takes two parameters:
- menu: Whether the standard classifieds menu items should be shown or not (default: true)
- limit: The number of listings to show (default: 10)
If you have Featured Ads installed you can also use this parameter:
- sortfeatured: Display featured listings on top of the list (default: false).
AWPCPRANDOMLISTINGS: Shows random listings. It takes two parameters:
- menu: Whether the standard classifieds menu items should be shown or not (default: true)
- limit: The number of listings to show (default: 10)
AWPCPFEATUREDLISTINGS: Show featured listings. It takes two parameters:
- menu: Whether the standard classifieds menu items should be shown or not (default: true)
- limit: The number of listings to show (default: 10)
The shortcode requires the Featured Ad premium module to be installed and activated.
AWPCPSHOWCAT: Shows listings in a specific category. It takes two parameters:
- id: The ID of the category (required)
- children: Whether listings in sub-categories of the selected category should be included in the results (default: true)
AWPCPUSERLISTINGS: Shows listings for a user, depending on the settings: It takes three parameters:
- menu: true or false to show or hide the menu items
- limit: the number of listings to show
- user_id: if present, the listings of the specified uses will be shown. If not present, the shortcode will show the listings of currently logged in user'. If no user is logged in and no user_id was provided, the shortcode will show nothing.